Learn literally anything
Eureka enables machine augmented learning to empower you to learn anything you want, anytime you want.

Learn faster
How it works
Think of the thing you want to learn, generate a lesson plan, make modifications as needed, and generate your course.
- Define your course.
- Think of the thing you want to learn and be detailed, we will create the course definition based on this.
- Fine tune and tweak.
- Fine tune your lesson plan to ensure it covers exactly the things you want to learn.
- Dive in and learn.
- Get started working through your course. Keep track of your progress with your performance stats.

But what do our users have to say?
“eureka is actually insanely cracked. This is how AI will be used in school/learning. Easily worth the cost 2-3x over”

“tried eureka and it's so good!! the UX is great, the course I tried was really good and I like how it tracks ur quiz grade an progress!”

“great work, amazing product and definitely was looking for this for quite some time now.”

“there's heart and soul in it, I've seen many attempts at this, many are vc funded, eureka is the best imo”

“Wanted to just test the platform real quick, but now I'm actually just doing a course on computational neuroscience. This is pretty damn good so far!”

“How I've started learning any topic in under an hour...I'm always struggling to find easy resources for hard topics, or hard resources for easy topics. This is the best of both.”

“I'm taking eureka for a spin. I've created a small and easy course on sequence-based models in Comp Bio. Their AI education platform is very promising and the founders are very open to constructive feedback. Give it a go”


Let's start changing the world today
Our mission is to accelerate human potential through machine augmented learning, paving the way for a technological renaissance. We will help billions learn.